苍翼默示录连锁反应2出招表超必杀 故事模式攻略(6)

2020-07-09 17:29:10





1. Beat Carl, If you lose to Carl you will get game over. 打赢carl

2. Beat Jin, If you lose to Jin you will get game over. 打赢jin

3. Beat Noel, If you lose to Jin you will get game over. 打赢noel

4. Beat Ragna, If you lose to Ragna you will get game over. 打赢ragna

Alternate End


1.Carl, If you lose to Carl you will get game over.

2. Defeat Jin with a DD finish. 

3. Beat Arakune, If you lose to Arakune you will get game over.

4. Beat Rachel, If you lose to Rachel you will get game over.

Clear End

打败以上4人,打jin的时候用dd finish

100% unlocks Jubei's voice.
